Distributacon Inc.
1250 Wayzata Blvd E Unit 1127,
Wayzata, MN 55391, USA
Have you ever considered getting a trampoline for adults? A trampoline has become much more than a huge garden toy to keep the kids happy these days. It’s a thrill-seeking machine that allows you to touch the sky and see the world from a different perspective.
More and more, grown-ups are learning about the benefits of jumping, and those range of benefits make it a worthwhile investment for the whole family.
By default, we design our products for everyone, so any of them will suit as a trampoline for adults, kids, elderly or even the cranky neighbour you may have.
At ACON, we understand the need for variety and thus, can supply trampolines of all sizes and specifications to suit your family size – and its unique needs!
You may already know why a trampoline will be a fun purchase for your kids. Here are some reasons why it is great for the entire family.
Unleash Your Inner Child

Trampolining can be a pretty liberating experience. After all, you are letting gravity take over half the time. Jumping on a suitable, heavy duty trampoline for adults is an excellent way to release tension and anxiety and put a smile on your face. Bouncing through the air allows you to experience a real rush of adrenaline and excitement while reminding you that it’s OK to kick back and have a little fun sometimes.
And the great thing about our trampolines with enclosure is that you can bounce your cares away knowing that you are doing so on our trampoline for adults and their little ones - designed to keep you and your family safe.
Get Out and Have Fun Together
As if things weren’t bad enough before, lockdowns triggered by the Covid pandemic have seen kids rely more and more on digital devices and gaming consoles.
A big, family-sized heavy duty trampoline in the back garden on a sunny day might be an effective way to wean them off those digital distractions.
For some quality outdoor family time, ACON can find you the size of trampoline that will accommodate your family’s needs. Mom, dad, kids and, hey, maybe even the dog can each have a bounce in total safety.
An ACON trampoline can be a great bonding tool for the family. You can reach for the stars or fall flat on your face trying; at least you’ll be doing it together.
Or, how about the social aspect of it? It’s not only a wonderful way to get your kids out into the great outdoors, but also something they can invite their friends around to enjoy with them.
While the children are bouncing away, the parents can relax because not only are the kids distracted by the great fun they’re having with their friends; they’re bouncing away on a trampoline which is made with the highest safety standards in mind.
Barbecues and garden parties can take on a whole new dimension with a large and sturdy trampoline available for kids (and big kids) of all ages.
A Fun and Healthy Way to Get the Whole Family Moving
An ACON trampoline for adults and kids is a way to bring your whole crew together. Because no matter what age you are, a trampoline workout will work out for everyone.
It combines fun with fitness in a way that your family will hardly recognize. A bouncing session is a great aerobic workout helping to increase lung capacity, but without all the crippling impact on the joints that running can cause or the irritation of those saddle-sore cycling sessions.
From strengthening muscles to improving circulation and flushing out toxins, trampolining can give you and your family a comprehensive workout, and you’ll hardly know it.
And the great thing is that there are fitness benefits for both young and old. Children get healthier, both physically and mentally and grown-ups can reduce the risk of creaking joints and a stiff back in later life.